Features & Advantages of Line Organization

In a Line Organization, authority flows from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy. Line organization is straight and vertical. This article will show the Features & Advantages of Line Organization.
In a Line Organization, top management makes decisions and gives orders directly to their subordinates, who pass them down the chain.
Table of Contents
Features of Line Organization
The following are the features of line organization:
1. Direct Flow of Authority
In line organization, there is a direct flow of authority from top management down to the lower levels. This is possible because one person usually holds the top management position in line organizations.
Therefore, the top manager can quickly transfer authority to subsequent levels. One or a couple of managers may also handle the following levels.
2. Unity of Command
In line organizations, the principle of unity of command is strictly followed. The subordinates get orders from one superior and report to one superior only.
3. Clear Responsibility
There is a clear responsibility on the part of the line managers. failures cannot be blamed on others.
However, sometimes, Line managers may blame failures on the staff experts. The line managers may blame the staff experts for inadequate or wrong advice.
4. Suitability
The Line organization is suitable for small organizations. In small organizations, the scale of operations is low; therefore, line managers can easily manage it.
However, in large organizations, pure-line organizations are not suitable. This is because, in large organizations, there is a need to have staff advisors. The staff advisors, such as the R&D manager, legal advisor, etc. Advise the line managers on essential matters.
5. Relationships
In line organizations, good relationships exist between the superior and the subordinates. Also, the relationships between various departments may be friendly.
This is possible because of the organization’s limited number of subordinates and departments. This is an essential feature of line organization.
6. Quick Decision-making
Line organizations facilitate quick decision-making. The line manager is given apparent authority over some issues. The line managers can make decisions on their own without consulting others.
However, In line and staff organizations, the line managers may experience delays in decision-making because they need to consult with staff on certain matters before concluding.
Advantages of Line Organization
The following are the Advantages of Line Organization:
1. Simplicity
This is the oldest and simplest form of internal organization, making it easy to understand.
2. Quick Decision Making
Managers don’t need to consult any staff or advisors to make decisions as quickly as possible.
3. Discipline
Because of unity of command, there is adherence to solid discipline. Everyone knows who their superior is and to whom they must report.
4. Clear Definition of Authority
Each executive’s authority, duties, and responsibilities are clearly defined, preventing conflicts in their powers.
5. Easier Supervision and Control
Due to the direct chain of command, there is a direct and close relationship between superior and subordinate, and as such, supervision and control become easy.
6. Co-ordination
Due to the merger of control, there is greater scope for effective coordination.
7. Development
It nurtures well-rounded officers capable of assuming higher positions when opportunities arise.
8. Flexibility
This system can adapt to changing conditions because each executive holds sole responsibility in their respective area.
So, these were the features and advantages of line organization, If you have any suggestions to improve this post, please share them in the comments.
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