Factors Affecting the Span of Control

The span of control is also called the span of management or supervision. The span of control is related to the number of subordinates who can be successfully supervised, directed, and controlled by one supervisor/manager.
It is a universally accepted fact that one manager cannot keep control and assist and guide an unlimited number of subordinates.
In this article, we will talk about factors that affect the span of control.
Factors Affecting Span of Control
Following are the factors that affect the span of control
Capacity of the manager and services of personal assistants
If the superior can comprehend problems quickly and if he can get along well with people commanding loyalty and respect from the subordinates, then, he can supervise a large number of subordinates. Thus, the span of control depends number of subordinates.
Thus, the span of control depends on the capacity, maturity, and competence of the superior.
Nature of work
If the executive’s work involves complicated decision-making, direction, and coordination, the number of people under his supervision would be small.
On the other hand, the span of control will be larger if the work is uniform and routine by nature.
Time devoted to supervision
Most executives spend a part of their time on actual decision-making work and part of their time on supervisory duties. An executive, who has to devote more time to operational activities and special administrative duties like planning, working on committees, etc. cannot supervise more, and energy is entirely earmarked for supervision work.
Clarity of plans and definitions of responsibility
If plans are effectively laid down and responsibility is definite, then, subordinates need not go to the superior frequently for guidance.
One executive can effectively supervise a large number of subordinates. Similarly, the larger span can be used if the supervision required is limited.
Degree of decentralization and delegation
Under decentralization an executive does not make too many decisions himself, hence he can supervise a large number of subordinates successfully.
Similarly, if a manager delegates substantial authority to his subordinates, then, the span of control can be made wider.
Use of communication technology
Utilizing the support of staff personnel for written communication is a time-saving. Electronic devices help in increasing the span of management. Similarly, the span can be kept bigger when the superior is given personal assistants and staff to help him in the conduct of his functions.
Training and faith in subordinates
Trained subordinates can do the work quickly and independently. Naturally, the span of supervision can be made wider.
A manager can control more trained subordinates. Similarly, if the superior has faith in subordinates, the span can be wider. In addition, the span of control can be made wider, if the superior subordinates’ relations are cordial.
Incentives offered
A company may offer financial incentives to the superiors for extra efforts on their part. In such a case, the superior may agree to look after more subordinates. Similarly, due to the incentives offered, the subordinates are motivated and take more interest in their own.
Effective delegation of authority
When a manager gives clear and sufficient authority to subordinates, it allows for a wider span of control.
High morale
When the employees enjoy high morale, they remain prepared to put in extra effort. Here, a manager can manage a large number of employees with minimum exertion.
As a result larger span of control is possible.
these were the Factors Affecting the Span of Control, If you have any suggestions please share them in the comments.