Meaning & Scope of Corporate Communication

Human society and culture have an innate ability and urge to communicate. This ability enables corporates to maintain their own in an industry that is constantly in a state of flux. Corporate communication is a key aspect of the industry. In this article, we will discuss corporate communication’s meaning and Scope.
Corporate communication is a management function that offers a framework for the effective coordinaion of all internal and external communiction with the overall purpose of establishing and mintaing fvorable reputations with stakeholder groups upon which the organization is dependent.
Corporate Communications by Joep Cornellisen
Corporate communication is responsible for the development of messages for people within the organization as well as outside it. So, information is disseminated according to the need perceived by it. In that sense, it becomes the executive organ of the organization and represents its conscience.
Scope of Corporate Communication
The new economy has begun, and corporate communicators public relations consultants and practitioners worldwide want to adopt good practices to upgrade the performance of organizations and position themselves better than competitors. following is the scope of corporate communication.
Organizational Development
- Formulating the Organizational Communication Policy.
- Executing the decisions on communication matters.
- Facilitating brand management.
- Bridging the gap between the desired identity and brand features.
- Linking of the communications strategy to the corporate strategy and corporate objectives.
- Mobilizing internal and external support for corporate objectives.
- Building a strong corporate culture.
- Facilitating coherent corporate identity.
- Recruiting bilingual or multilingual practitioners who are familiar with many cultures to facilitate global communication.
- Drawing labour market communication policies.
Coordinating the Functions of Various Departments
- Allocating the tasks of organizational communication to various corporate communicators.
- Establishment of rapport.
- Facilitating participatory communication.
- Generating a genuine sense of corporate citizenship.
- Taking care of public relations and public affairs.
Reputation building
- Taking care of corporate advertising.
- Sensitizing the management about its social and developmental obligations with due respect for public interest.
- Facilitating interactive communication between the management and various stakeholders constantly and consistently to build reputation.
- Ghostwriting scripts for news releases, blogs, social media posts and columns for business managers and other higher-ups.
- Preparing executive briefs for top management.
- Promoting corporate philanthropy.
- Disseminating information about government activities to citizens.
- Indulging in CSR activities or programmes.
- Fundraising for nonprofit agencies like social and cultural groups, hospitals, and health care agencies.
Employee Communication
- Ensuring accurate and consistent communication with employees.
- Formal communication with employees through the employee handbook, memoranda and employee reviews.
- Informal, communications in the form of personal or ad hoc conversations.
Communicating with stakeholders
- Developing a common vocabulary of concepts and techniques for understanding and managing communications between an organization and its stakeholders.
- Viewing the environment in terms of the various stakeholder groups the organisation depends on.
- Maintaining through brochures and corporate literature.
- Advertising through brochures and corporate literature.
- Conducting exhibitions and undertaking event management research and sponsorship management.
- Liaising with channel partners.
- Arranging interviews of key personnel in relevant industries and disseminating trade publications of the same.
- Arranging panel-based programs on cable and network news channels.
- Managing nationwide PR campaigns and press conferences with the help of external PR agents.
- Winning over the confidence of customers.
- Motivating investors for adequate capital investment.
- Enhancing active stakeholders’ participation in the affairs of the organization.
- Lobbying in government offices, if needed.
- Maintaining ties with higher education institutes through relationships with alumni, students, faculty and management.
Crises Communication
- Taking care of issues management.
- Developing grievances redressal mechanism.
- Managing the crisis and disasters in times of need.
- Easing anxieties and boosting morale through good employee communications.
- Preventing the spread of inaccurate information that may trickle outside the organization.