8 Principles of Coordination

In this article, we are going to see the Principles of Coordination. Coordination is a basic need of today's complicated organizations. Its existence suggests coherence, unity of actions, and integrated effort. Coordination is a technique by which a manager can avoid potential sources of conflict and eliminate duplication of work and cross purposes.

In this article, we are going to explore the Principles of Coordination. Coordination is a basic need of today’s complicated organizations. Its existence suggests coherence, unity of actions, and integrated effort.

Coordination is a technique by which a manager can avoid potential sources of conflict and eliminate duplication of work and cross purposes.

Coordination has assumed increased importance due to the growing complexity of business and the immediate increase in specialization.

The principle of coordination is explained as follows:

1. Principle of Early Beginning

This principle indicates that the process of coordination should start at an early phase of the managerial process. Coordination should begin at the early stages of planning.

If coordination is followed at the early stages of planning, then not only right plans would be framed, but it would also help in adequate organizing, direction, and control.

2. Principle of Direct Contact

Managers need to have direct personal contact with their subordinates. This helps in developing good relations between the superior and the subordinates and the superior coordinates the activities of subordinates effectively and efficiently.

3. Principles of Continuity

Coordination is a continuous process. It is not a one-time activity As long as the organization exists, there would be activities, and as long as there are activities in the organization, there is a need for coordination.

also, the coordination should be throughout the management process. Coordination should be applicable at the time of panning, organizing, directing, and it must also be continued at the time of control.

4. Principles of Reciprocal relations

The actions or decisions taken by individuals or departments within the organization are interconnected.

For example, the decisions of the marketing people can affect the working of the production department. Therefore, when the marketing manager takes decisions to coordinate the activities of his subordinate, he may have to consider the likely impact of such decisions on other persons in his department as well as in other departments.

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5. Principles of Effective Communication

For coordination to be effective, there must be effective communication throughout the organization. There must be good communication between the levels and also between the superior and subordinates.

Proper communication would help to clear out misunderstandings in the organization, and coordination would be easier and more effective.

6. Principle of Mutual Respect

There must be mutual respect throughout the organization. Managers at all levels should respect each other.

Again, the superiors must respect the feelings, and emotions of subordinates. and emotions of the subordinates. The subordinates in turn must respect the superiors. Mutual respect would help to coordinate the activities in a better manner.

7. Principle of Scalar Chain

The principles of the scaler chain or line of command must be followed at the time of coordination. At each level, the superior coordinates the activities of his subordinates.

Therefore, a person with the right authority should coordinate the activities.

8. Principle of Clarity of Objectives

The last principle of coordination is the principle of charity of objectives. There must be objectives. there should be clarity. Everyone in the organization must be clear about the objectives, which are to be achieved.

Such clarity of objectives would help to conduct the activities properly and coordination also can be easier and more effective.

So these were the 8 Principles of Coordination in Management, If you have any suggestions to improve this post, please share them in the comments.

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